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PET is currently used in cardiology to determine both adequate coronary arterial perfusion (blood flow), and whether a specific portion of the heart muscle is alive (viable). The FDG viability study will help determine if a revascularization (i.e. angioplasty or bypass) procedure can be performed to help restore blood flow to the area of the heart that has a decrease of blood flow. This procedure is performed in conjunction with a Rubidium 82 (tracer). 

Non-Diabetic Patients: 

  • Do not eat or drink anything after midnight the day prior to the scheduled test. 
  • Do not eat or drink caffeine products (pop, coffee, tea, chocolate) for 24 hours before the test. 
  • Unless directed by your physician, do not take any beta blockers or blood pressure medication the evening prior to and the morning of the scheduled test. 
  • Bring your morning medication and a list of all current medications. 
  • Wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothes and exercise shoes. 
  • You may drive yourself to and from the test. 

Diabetic Patients: 

Same as for Non-Diabetic with the following exceptions: 

  • Morning Exam: Half dose diabetic medication and no food or drink after midnight 
  • Afternoon exam: Full dose of diabetic medication, breakfast and then no food or drink 
We will obtain a brief history emphasizing current symptoms and pertinent family history. A small intravenous (IV) line is inserted into your arm and electrodes are attached to your chest. The first dose of imaging agent (Rubidium) is injected through the IV. Resting images are obtained with the PET camera. A stress test is performed by infusing the stress medication (Persantine) through the IV. This increases the blood flow through the coronary arteries. This is done right after the resting images and you will be on the PET camera table the whole time. A physician or RN, using an EKG during the infusion, continuously monitors you. A second dose of the imaging agent will be injected through the IV. A second set of images is obtained immediately.  For viability study, following the rubidium stress test, you will be removed from the imaging table. You will then receive a finger stick to analyze blood glucose level. Based on the reading, a protocol will be followed to adjust your glucose level prior to injection of F-18 FDG. Following the FDG injection and a wait of 30 minutes, you will return to the imaging room and another series of images will be taken of your heart. The imaging takes approximately 30 minutes. The test is then complete. 
The entire exam takes three to four hours. 
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